Polish zoo claims first birth of rare bear cuscus in captivity

Polish zoo claims first birth of rare bear cuscus in captivity

A zoo in south-western Poland is celebrating the birth of a bear cuscus, saying it is the first time the rare marsupial mammal has been born in captivity.

Joanna Kij, of the Wroclaw Zoo, said that keepers noticed “movement and a little one” in the female marsupial’s pouch in March.

The baby bear cuscus mostly remains in the pouch, but sometimes leaves to inspect the surroundings.

A tiny bear cuscus with its mother in Poland (Monika Gorska/AP)
A tiny bear cuscus with its mother in Poland (Monika Gorska/AP)

Bear cuscuses live on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi and little is known about them, but their population is shrinking rapidly.

To preserve the species, 13 animals are held in four zoos around the world – but they have not reproduced there previously.

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