Campaign launched to help older people turn ideas into a business

A new campaign is being launched to help more older people start their own businesses.

Startup School for Seniors has funding from local authorities across the country to offer an online course aimed at showing how an idea can be turned into a business.

Hundreds of people have already registered, including women with caring responsibilities.

Suzanne Noble, founder of Startup School for Seniors, said: “The Rest Less research highlights the exponential growth in people in their 50s and 60s, and often 70s, either choosing to launch a business to thrive or, in many cases, simply to survive.

“Our online course is designed to support those ready to embark on an entrepreneurial journey, whether they are pursuing a dream or supplementing their income.

“It’s vital that more is understood by both Government and the wider business community about this growing sector of the economy.”

“We find that the type of businesses people of this age start are varied – from turning a hobby such as sewing, painting or baking, into a revenue stream to those who want to consult based on their previous work experience.”

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