Anonymity given in Toy Show The Musical report lifted following criticism

The anonymity given to most RTE executives and board members in an independent report on Toy Show The Musical has been lifted following calls for accountability.

The report into the musical, which recorded a 2.2 million euro loss after a single season in 2022, found that the proposal had required board approval – but it was not sought or provided.

It also found there was “no justification” for the way the broadcaster recorded 75,000 euro in advertising money and that the musical would have struggled to break even under the proposed number of shows.

Grant Thornton, who compiled the report into the musical, did not publish any names and referred to those interviewed in the report as ‘Person 1’ through to ‘Person 26’.

This was met with criticism from various quarters, including from Media Minister Catherine Martin, who said “you find yourself as you’re reading it nearly trying to work out who was who”.

On Tuesday, the board said Minister for Media Catherine Martin and two Oireachtas committees had requested that the anonymity given would be lifted.

RTE then asked Grant Thornton if it could facilitate these requests.

“Grant Thornton subsequently contacted each individual included in the report to ask if they would consent to their anonymity being removed,” it said.

Twenty of those who were interviewed agreed to their names being included in the report.

“In line with its standard practice, the names of staff below executive level in RTE will continue to be redacted.”

RTE board members are due to appear before the media committee on Wednesday afternoon and “are happy to discuss” the Toy Show The Musical report.

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