Green New Deal protesters disrupt Labour conference

A small group of environmental protesters has been ejected from the Labour Party Conference after disrupting an event on net zero.

Members of the Green New Deal Rising group shouted slogans including “Revoke Rosebank” during their protest at the annual party conference in Liverpool.

The protest follows a series of demonstrations by the group, which is calling on the Labour Party to be bolder in its net-zero policies.

Green New Deal Rising staged a protest outside the conference centre on Sunday and picketed Sir Keir Starmer’s constituency office after Labour appeared to row back on its plans to invest in green technology.

The party had pledged to invest £28 billion per year in green industries, but in June announced it was delaying the promise to the second half of the next Parliament, citing the UK’s poor economic outlook.

Stop Rosebank protest
Protesters shouted slogans including Revoke Rosebank at the Labour Party conference (Lesley Martin/PA)

She told the PA news agency: “We are saying that Labour should not be cosying up to fossil fuel lobbyists instead of protecting our future and revoking the new Rosebank oil field that has just been approved by the UK government.

“It’s absolutely disgusting that they’re in there cosying up to fossil fuel lobbyists instead of meeting with us, the young people who are really concerned about our future, and talking about a green new deal.”

She added: “We need a green new deal and we need to revoke Rosebank and we haven’t heard those words so far.”

Labour has previously said it would not cancel oil and gas licences issued by the current Government, including the Rosebank oil field that was approved in September, but would not issue any new licences if it won the next election.

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