Lockdown star Louis the osprey returns to his nest

An osprey which became an online star during the first lockdown has returned to his nest ahead of schedule this year.

Louis touched down on his nest at Loch Arkaig Pine Forest in Lochaber in the Scottish Highlands at 12.26pm on Sunday, with his return captured on a livestream camera.

For the last two years, he has arrived back from migration on April 11, with April 4 his earliest appearance until today.

Woodland Trust Scotland has been operating a live nest camera following the ospreys at Loch Arkaig Pine Forest since 2017, with support from players of People’s Postcode Lottery.

Fans are now hoping that Louis will soon be joined by his mate Dorcha.

Laura Chow, head of charities at People’s Postcode Lottery, said: “What a thrill to see an osprey back at Loch Arkaig Pine Forest.

“Here’s hoping for another glorious summer of action from the nest.

“We are delighted that support from our players allows people far and wide to enjoy this wild slice of highland forest life for so many years.”

The Loch Arkaig livestream can be viewed at a dedicated page on the Woodland Trust website https://www.woodlandtrust.org.uk/trees-woods-and-wildlife/osprey-cam

Woodland Trust Scotland and Arkaig Community Forest bought the woodland site in 2016 from Forest Enterprise Scotland under the National Forest Land Scheme.

Their aim is to restore native woodland habitats, reconnect local people with the management and stewardship of the site and use the woods to underpin sustainable rural development in the nearby communities of Achnacarry, Bunarkaig and Clunes.

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