What the papers say – March 3

News about the Budget and its expected furlough measures dominates the nation’s papers on Wednesday.

The Daily Telegraph leads on Wednesday’s Budget, saying Chancellor Rishi Sunak will announce an extension to Government furlough measures amid calls for a faster reopening of the economy.

The i says the Government’s job protection scheme will be prolonged until September, an angle The Guardian takes up under a headline of “Sunak extends the safety net”.

Metro and The Independent lead on the same Budget news, which the Daily Express previews as “Rishi’s budget lifeline to help millions”.

And the Daily Mirror leads on Britain’s ailing pubs, calling on Mr Sunak to “give struggling landlords a lifeline”.

Meanwhile, NHS staff “could be forced to have a jab”, according to the Daily Mail.

The Sun launches its campaign for the Euros to be held in the UK.

The Financial Times says City authorities are poised to conduct an overhaul of listing rules.

And the Daily Star leads on a couple who missed out on a lottery windfall because of a blunder.

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