12-year-old piper leaves healthcare worker in tears with doorstep performance

12-year-old piper leaves healthcare worker in tears with doorstep performance

A healthcare worker was left in tears after a 12-year-old neighbour played the bagpipes outside her house as a thank you to the frontline staff helping in the battle against coronavirus.

Jill Scott had never met George Orchin before he arrived at her front door on Thursday evening and started playing Amazing Grace.

Mrs Scott decided to post a note through the Orchin family’s letterbox on Thursday morning asking if George, who is a member of his school band, would play for the whole street at 8pm as people across the UK and Ireland applauded for healthcare workers.

Dressed in full pipe band regalia, George responded to the request with a performance at Mrs Scott’s door.

George Orchin, 12, plays for the healthcare workers on his street (Michael Cooper/PA)

“I was upstairs and I didn’t realise and then all of a sudden I heard Amazing Grace and I said ‘oh my goodness, George has come to play Amazing Grace to me’ and I started to cry. It was emotional.

“I was just so delighted that people are out there supporting everybody in healthcare and all the key workers are out here trying to help everybody during this time of trouble.”

Healthcare worker Jill Scott, her husband Gordon and daughter Rececca listen as George Orchin plays Amazing Grace outside their front house in east Belfast (Michael Cooper/PA)

“We decided to play for people to try to lift their spirits during these times,” he said.

“It’s great because I get to comfort people in a way that I really enjoy. I find it a lot of fun.”

His mother Louise Orchin said the family was delighted to receive the unexpected request.

“I was very proud that she had heard him and took the time to come up and actually acknowledge his playing,” she said.

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