Jersey Airport: ‘Delays are often out of our control’

The BBC, which analysed Civil Aviation Authority data from 25 airports, reported that 21 per cent of flights at the Airport had delays of at least 30 minutes between June and September 2016.

Jersey was the fourth worst, behind Luton and Belfast (both with 23 per cent), and Gatwick (30 per cent).

The Jersey to Dusseldorf route was one of the most delayed – with more than 400 delayed minutes last summer.

In a statement, Jersey Airport said that many of the reasons for the delays were out of its control, including technical issues with planes, the late arrival of inbound aircraft – particularly from list-topper Gatwick – and poor weather.

A spokesman said: ‘Jersey is a “destination” airport, which means the majority of air services to and from the Island originate from another airport.

‘Therefore, if an inbound flight is delayed from the point of origin, it will impact upon its return service from Jersey.

‘As an Island, Jersey is susceptible to inclement weather, often with little or no warning, which is beyond our control, but once again can impact upon our operations and cause inevitable delays and cancellations to air services.’

The spokesman continued: ‘On average, airlines serving Jersey Airport have an approximate 30-minute turnaround on the stand, during which time its ground-handlers must process both inbound and outbound passengers, luggage and sometimes refuelling of the aircraft.

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