The Jersey Financial Services Commission has joined forces with the Security Awareness Special Interest Group to offer awareness training to senior personnel in regulated companies, specifically directors, business owners, chief investment/finance officers, HR directors, IT directors, procurement teams, security managers and business line managers.
The seminar, which is being held on 9 March at the Freedom Centre in Bath Street, marks the second event the commission has organised in recent weeks focusing on international security issues and follows last month’s conference on combating terrorist financing, which featured several high-profile speakers.
Next week’s event, which is free of charge, will be run under the Chatham House Rule, to protect the sources of information revealed, and has been closed to the media, who have been offered the alternative of interviewing speakers Eugene Kasperksky, CEO of Kaspersky Lab, Martin Smith, chairman and founder of the SASIG, and Mark Raeburn, CEO of Context Information Security Ltd.
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