Watch the video as Le Rocquier pupil has two feet of hair cut off for charity

Watch the video as Le Rocquier pupil has two feet of hair cut off for charity

Le Rocquier student Alice Millen-Swainston (12) had most of her long locks cut off earlier this week to raise funds for Age Concern Jersey, which supports elderly Islanders.

Alice with her new haircut by Toni & Guy hairdresser Damian Philpott

She was offered a free cut by Toni & Guy to aid her appeal and is also due to donate her ponytail to UK Wigs – a charity that provides wigs for chemotherapy patients.

Proud mother Mary Jane said that the stylists were great and did an amazing job while removing 24 inches of her daughter’s hair.

Alice shows off her long hair before she had it cut short for charity

‘Alice loves her new cut and said the back of her head was cold on the way to school this morning,’ she added.

‘It was a totally new experience for her.’

Donations are still coming in and Alice is hoping that she will be able to reach her target of £1,000 or more.

The money is due to go towards Age Concern’s Liberation Lunch, to be held for elderly people in the Island.

And with the money raised so far the 12-year-old has already paid for 39 Liberation lunches.

Later this month a tea party will take place in Alice’s honour where a cheque will be formally presented to Age Concern.

Anyone wanting to donate can do so by visiting

Amelie d'Orleans with mum Adelina, dad Robert and brother Winter

MOST six-year-olds want toys or games for their birthday, but in 2013 Amélie d’Orléans decided that to celebrate getting another year older she wanted to get her long hair cut short.

But this wasn’t just any normal haircut, as Amélie – whose father Robert is recovering from cancer – wanted to cut off her hair so that it could be turned into wigs for children suffering from the disease.

And, as well as donating her locks to the charity Little Princess Trust to be turned into real-hair wigs for children suffering from hair loss, she also raised more than £700 for the Jersey Children’s Charity in the process.

Catia Cassiano with bags of her hair

HEALTH care assistant Catia Cassiano marked her 34th birthday in January last year by cutting off 44 cm of her hair to raise money for Jersey Hospice Care.

The Family Nursing and Home Care employee said that she had wanted to organise a fundraiser for Hospice for a number of years after losing her father to cancer 20 years ago.

‘My hair was really long, I’d been growing it for about three years,’ she said.

‘I didn’t mind cutting it off though because it was for a good cause.’

Catia sent the 44 cm of hair off to the Little Princess Trust to be made into wigs for children who have lost their hair through cancer

IN 2008, an Islander travelling around the world had his three-foot dreadlocks cut off to raise money for Chinese orphans.

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