Cyclists suffer punctures after drawing pins are scattered on St Aubin’s Bay track – six years after similar incidents on Railway Walk

Cyclists suffer punctures after drawing pins are scattered on St Aubin’s Bay track – six years after similar incidents on Railway Walk

Two locations on the coastal path were targeted on Thursday, with reports that one dog had suffered an injured paw and one cyclist had picked up more than 80 pins.

Honorary police officers from St Helier and St Lawrence – the two parishes affected – are investigating the incidents, which follow a series of similar attacks along the Railway Walk in St Brelade between 2013 and 2015.

Ryan Watts was cycling back towards his home in St Helier as part of his permitted exercise when he suffered a puncture near the Kiosk fast-food outlet at Bel Royal, St Lawrence.

‘I saw a pin sticking in my tyre and then when I went back I saw loads of them glinting in the sunlight,’ he said.

‘I must have picked up around 40, and others had stopped to help, and then there was another section closer to St Helier near The Lookout Beach Café where I picked up a similar number.’

A post by Mr Watts on Facebook attracted almost 100 comments, with another cyclist saying he had picked up a further 50 drawing pins and one person said that a dog had suffered an injured paw.

At least three bike shops in St Helier saw an abnormally high number of punctures, as customers brought their bikes in for repair.

Richard Tanguy, of Big Maggy’s, said he had seen several customers who had been angry that their commute or daily exercise had been affected.

‘It’s unfortunate and seems like it’s just one mindless person. I’d hope that people would be sensible and we can live in harmony,’ he said.

In 2014, following a similar incident, Florin Raducu, an employee at Jersey Cycle Tours, developed a tool, comprising a magnet attached to a brush on wheels, to pick up the dangerous tacks.

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