Reports of more mysterious noises keep Islanders guessing

Last week the JEP reported that a Trinity resident had been kept awake for several years by a ‘resonating’ noise which had become a nuisance in the northern parishes.

Since the article was published, a number of Islanders have reported that they have also heard strange humming noises late at night, and some of them remain a mystery.

Marcus Schaffrath, who also lives in Trinity, said that he and his wife had heard the noise, as had their neighbours.

He said that the humming sound continued all night and was particularly bad when the windows were open.

Another Islander who contacted the JEP said that they had heard a noise from about 1.45 am onwards each day for many months in Georgetown.

The resident said that the noise seemed to be coming ‘through the ground’ and had resulted in many sleepless nights.

Other Islanders said that they had experienced mysterious noises in the past, but they had since been left in peace.

Alan Phillips said that during the 1990s, he experienced a similar phenomenon in St Martin.

‘The hum started suddenly and could be heard only in our lounge,’ he said.

‘The noise was almost constant but it couldn’t be heard in any other room in the house, or outside.

‘It couldn’t be pinpointed in any direction either, as noises generally can, and it had a nauseous effect.

‘One day when I passed the pumping station that is situated near us, I could hear the pumps operating and they didn’t sound right.

‘I reported the possible fault to TTS. They attended to what turned out to be a worn pump, and since then we have luckily been hum-free.’

Strange noises have been heard at Georgetown

Madeline Bates, who lives in St Helier, said that she was first kept awake by a humming sound about 15 years ago.

And at times it was so bad that the wall alongside her bed ‘vibrated for hours’.

‘The noise mainly resembled a car engine which had been left running, magnified at least 50 times in volume,’ she said.

‘I had many sleepless nights, often only managing about three hours.

‘The tenants in the flats below me told the landlord that I was either using my washing machine in the early hours of the morning or was jumping up and down on a trampoline for hours!

‘I was mocked when I mentioned it could be vibrations from drilling at Cap de la Hague, or some sort of building work, so I never mentioned it again.

‘Oddly enough, I haven’t heard it for at least six months, so maybe the work has since been completed.’

Have you heard a strange, unexplained noise? If so, please contact

It's happened before! How the JEP reported on a similar, previous incident

  • In September 2006 dozens of Islanders reported seeing a fox. There was some speculation that the mysterious creature could have been a dog called Cola, but the case was never solved.

  • In 2007 dozens of toads suddenly turned up on the Dicq slip in St Saviour. One theory was that the toads may have been mating in a nearby pond when they were washed down the road in storm water.

  • On the morning of 15 April 2009, worried Islanders contacted the JEP as the skies had gone so dark the street lights were tricked into thinking it was night-time. The darkness was caused by an unusual combination of a thunderstorm rolling in above the mist and murk and blocking out most of the Island’s natural light.

  • In February 2012 hundreds of Islanders reported hearing a plane flying low over Jersey at night. It turned out to be an old Russian cargo plane whose noise was bounced to a low level by unusually cold conditions.
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