Zoe Ball reveals she helped pregnant lady get to hospital after she had a fall

Zoe Ball has revealed she helped drive a pregnant woman to the hospital after she suffered a fall in the street.

The presenter’s day took a dramatic turn after she hosted her BBC Radio 2 breakfast show on Thursday morning.

Ball told listeners to the show on Friday that she met the woman when parking where she stays in London after going to seek some sun, as she had had “a bit of a morning”.

The Audio and Radio Industry Awards – London
Zoe Ball (Lia Toby/PA)

“Anyway, it turns out she’s very heavily pregnant. Really lovely lady. She’s had a fall. She was very shaken up. She was really winded and quite frightened, obviously, because she’s worrying about the baby.”

Ball said a number of people were looking after the woman, who was due to give birth in around a month’s time, and they asked if she could help drive her to a hospital after the radio presenter told them she had a car.

The radio host agreed and took the pregnant woman, whom she dubbed T to preserve her anonymity, on the journey along with another woman who was helping, called Jess.

Ball revealed she was worried at one stage the woman may gave birth in the back of her car as she had a friend who had gone through a similar experience in a taxi.

“Lovely lady called Jess was there. I was like: ‘Jess, will you come with us? Because you might have to do hot towels or something,’” she added.

The radio host said things got more dramatic when they could not get in touch with the woman’s husband, who was in a work meeting, or her mother, or her friends.

Ball said: “So we get there and I was thinking: ‘I need run the blue lights on the top of the car. I’ve never been an ambulance before.’

“But we got her to the hospital and she swapped numbers with Jess and I had to wait all day to find out if she and lovely baby were OK.”

Ball assured listeners that she got a message in the late afternoon confirming that the mother and baby were “absolutely fine” but the mother had fractured some ribs, adding: “Poor love, when you’re heavily pregnant, you’ve got to go through labour, that is going to be painful.”

She ending the tale, saying: “You just never know where your day’s going to go, do you?

“So I’m sending T and her family lots of love and safe happy landings for when you have the baby.”

Mother-of-two Ball returned to hosting her breakfast show last month following some time off-air.

The 53-year-old had not hosted The Zoe Ball Breakfast Show since she briefly returned on August 8, following a summer break.

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