Four Deputies re-elected unopposed

Four Deputies re-elected unopposed

FOUR Deputies were re-elected unopposed at their respective nomination meetings on Tuesday night.

Deputies Carolyn Labey (Grouville) Roy Le Hérissier (St Saviour No 3), Anne Pryke (Trinity), and James Reed (St Ouen) received the seal of approval from their electors when no challengers came forward to oppose them.

On accepting office, Deputy Labey (pictured) she said that she would help the people of Jersey in these ‘challenging times’. And she revealed that she would support Senator Freddie Cohen in a battle for Chief Minister, if he were to stand.

Deputy Le Hérissier, who now lives in St Peter, said that he had mixed feelings about the fact that his election was uncontested. ‘I obviously feel very proud on the one hand and have fought for reform and change in Jersey, but wanted to see more contested elections,’ he said.

Deputy Pryke was commended for her ‘caring and conscientious’ approach to parish life. Though the seat was uncontested, the Deputy was praised by the Constable, John Gallichan, cheered by a full hall of parishioners and deemed a GST – a ‘genuine, sincere Trinitais’ – by proposer Michael Vautier.

After being re-elected in St Ouen, Deputy Reed said that he had ambitions to be the next Education Minister. ‘I am looking forward to the next three years.’ he said. ‘I think I have served my apprenticeship now and I hope to put myself forward for a ministerial position as Education Minister.’

Full reports: Click here

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