Time to pick your community heroes

Pride of Jersey 2023 winners with John Henry Falle Georgi Mottram Picture: ROB CURRIE. (38964667)

VOTING is now open for the 2024 Jersey Evening Post Pride of Jersey Awards.

This year’s we received an impressive 186 nominations across 14 categories.

The three nominees with the most votes in each category will become finalists, all of whom will be invited to an awards ceremony. Winners are chosen by a panel of judges and will be announced on the night of the event.

Today’s newspaper also features a supplement showing all the nominees to help Islanders choose their community heroes. Votes can be cast at prideofjersey.com and closes at midnight on 29 September.

Physical voting forms will also be printed in the JEP every day and can be found on pages 54 and 63 of this weekend’s edition.

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