Police appeal after dog bites child


POLICE are seeking to identify the owner of a dog that reportedly bit a small child in Gorey.

The incident is said to have taken place last Thursday 15 August at around 10.30am.

In an appeal for witnesses, the force said that a women was walking two dogs in Long Beach car park when one of the animals – described as large and brown – bit a small boy on the leg.

“The lady recalled the dogs back and put them in her car before driving off,” the police appeal continued.

The child sustained a small wound to his upper thigh and was checked at the Emergency Department, but did not require any further treatment.

The force has described the owner of the dog as middle aged, with short blonde hair.

She is said to have been driving a small blue car.

Anyone with any information about the incident is being asked to contact the police on 612612, or the independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111 or via their anonymous online form at Crimestoppers-uk.org

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