Children taught to speak out

Children taught to speak out

The Speak Out Stay Safe initiative was run in schools across the UK and the Channel Islands during the last academic year through a series of assemblies designed to teach children about different types of abuse.

Volunteers and staff from the charity help the children identify a trusted adult they can speak to if they have worries or are concerned about friends.

And the campaign is being rebooted to coincide with the new academic year, with sessions due to be held in Island primary schools later this month.

Peter Frost, schools service area co-ordinator for Jersey, said: ‘We aim to visit every primary school across the Channel Islands every three years to deliver our Speak Out Stay Safe programme.

‘Our research shows that one in three children who have been sexually abused by an adult did not tell someone at the time.

‘We’re empowering a generation of children to know about the different kinds of abuse there are and how they can talk to a trusted adult if they are concerned about themselves or a friend. On average two children in every classroom have suffered abuse or neglect and so it’s really important that children know who they can talk to if they’re upset or worried.’

As part of the campaign the charity also launched a dedicated Jersey NSPCC helpline on 0808 800 5000 to provide specialised advice for anyone with concerns about a child’s safety or wellbeing.

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