Petition calls for area where dogs can be walked off lead


DOG walkers have lodged a petition calling for an area to be set up where dogs can be let off the lead while they are exercised.

The petition was set up by Ty Jones, pointing out the lack of options for dogs to enjoy ‘a good run around’ in St Helier, and has attracted around 300 signatures since being posted on the government’s e-petitions site.

Mr Jones’ partner, Charlotte Nunes, who runs a part-time dog-walking business, said that one of the few options had been the gated area within the Millennium Town Park, which was recently closed to dogs.

She said: ‘I think there had been one or two problems with people not picking up dog mess, but there are laws covering thatoffence and it seems harsh that all dogs and owners have been penalised. You wouldn’t ban all children from the park because a couple of them had vandalised the swings.’

Ms Nunes said dogs behaved more sociably if they were allowed to run free, rather than being prone, in some cases, to ‘lead aggression’.

In 2018, St Helier Constable Simon Crowcroft said he was considering creating fenced-off areas for dogs within certain parks, but admitted that dog mess was a hazard for park users and maintenance staff.

Under the Policing of Parks (Jersey) Regulations 2005, the only park where dogs can run free off the lead in St Helier is the Glacis Field to the south of the old Fort Regent Pool.

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