IT is unknown how long the reintroduction of 100ml limits on liquids in hand luggage will be in place at Jersey Airport.
The restrictions returned last Sunday after being announced 48 hours earlier.
Ports of Jersey said the change, which is being applied at some regional airports in the UK, follows a directive from the UK Department for Transport and is “not in response to a specific threat”.
All of the airports affected had previously scrapped the 100ml liquid rules after introducing high-tech security scanners.
In response to JEP queries, a Ports spokesperson said yesterday: “We don’t know how long this restriction is likely to be in place as it has been imposed by the UK Department for Transport in conjunction with the Channel Islands Director of Civil Aviation.
“There have been no problems with the machines in Jersey Airport.”
The UK Department for Transport said the move was to “enable further improvements to be made to the new checkpoint systems”.
Ports of Jersey also confirmed that signage was being updated at the Airport, and admitted that changes had caused small queues at peak periods as passengers preparation time increases.
The spokesperson said: “Passengers are asked to prepare for Security by removing liquids from hand luggage in advance, and ensuring that any liquids over 100ml are checked into hold luggage.
“The only exceptions are medications and infant drinks.
“We have been working hard to minimise the impact on passengers as they travel through Jersey Airport.”
This work includes publishing the information on social media, making regular PA announcements, and staff explaining changes to passengers at Security and check-in.
“We have also been working closely with airlines operating to Jersey to manage the temporary restrictions as efficiently as possible,” the spokesperson added.