Ann Summers makes way for new St Helier sex shop – for men as well as women

Manager Stacey Sharkey, who is aiming to open her own shop after Ann Summers closes down. Picture: JON GUEGAN. (38169638)

THE Island’s Ann Summers is closing despite having its “best year ever” – but the lingerie store will be replaced by a new venture.

Stacey Sharkey, who has spent ten years as manager of the shop by West’s Centre, said staff were “shocked” after being given weeks’ notice that the store would close this month.

She said: “Our manager flew over from the UK and just told us that due to rent increases and not finding another suitable shop in town that had a good rent, they’ve had to pull out.”

Ms Sharkey added that the branch had its “best year ever last year”, but explained that the rent increase would have been “triple” the current rate.

However, the store manager is taking the closure as an opportunity to start her own business.

“Tease and Please” is set to open in Market Street by 15 July.

She explained: “It’s going to be listed as a sex shop, but it’s going to be much more for men as well – Ann Summers is very women-based.

“I’m going to go down the route of men’s toys, men’s underwear and that kind of stuff.”

She added that there would be “better quality on a lot of items, and a lot more choice.

“The reaction has been great, so hopefully everyone will show their support.”

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