Island’s road collision casualty rate is ‘higher than rest of UK’

Picture: ROB CURRIE. (38205004)

JERSEY has a higher proportion of road traffic casualties than the UK, Ireland and many other European countries, a new report has found.

The 2023 Road Traffic Collision and Casualty Update also highlighted that most collisions in the Island involved pedestrians and cyclists – classified as “vulnerable road users”.

The update used figures collected by the States police to analyse trends and identify what measures are needed to make the roads safer.

The report stated: “Jersey has a higher proportion of road traffic casualties compared to mainland Great Britain, other British Islands, and many European countries. The Island’s vulnerable road users are over-represented in our collision and casualty data, especially cyclists and motorcyclists.

Young drivers and young moped and motorcycle riders also form disproportionately high percentages of road users involved in collisions. Future road safety programmes and behavioural change initiatives will need to address casualty levels among these classifications of road user.”

The number of serious incidents on Jersey’s roads has been falling over the past ten years, but a drop during 2020 and 2021 was due to the Covid-19 pandemic, when working from home saw the traffic levels fall dramatically.

The number of collisions involving cyclists and pedestrians rose after Covid restrictions were lifted.

Commenting on the report, Infrastructure Minister Andy Jehan said: “Behind the data is a human story, and I am mindful of the impact on those who have experienced tragedies because of a road collision.

“I am committed to working on reducing the number of casualties on our roads, with the goal of striving towards a safer future for all road users.”

He said road traffic laws would be reviewed and updated, and there would be infrastructure improvements such as safer pedestrian crossings and cycle routes, especially in the east of the Island.

Deputy police chief Scott Hall said the update provided “crucial insights into the patterns and outcomes of road traffic collisions in Jersey”.

He added: “Our data underscores the importance of targeted interventions and infrastructure improvements to protect our most vulnerable road users, including pedestrians and cyclists,” he added.

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