Is it a bird..? At first glance, this picture seems to show the topless guy has a majestic bird perched on his outstretched arm with its chest puffed out.
But the picture is a trick of the eye.
The bird is actually Robert Allam’s spinning T-shirt, captured in avian form in an exquisitely timed snapshot by his friend while they were messing around in London’s Hyde Park.
Friend took a photo of me swinging my shirt around and it looks like i tamed a crow to perch on my hand from mildlyinteresting
Next up Robert shared the picture with various groups on Reddit, where he goes by the name GallowBoob, and the community went wild for the picture, upvoting it and commenting in the thousands.
In fact Reddit went so wild that some users ended up creating art inspired by Robert’s pose.
“Rob handed me his phone and asked me to take a pic, I told him (to) pull a Usain Bolt and Reddit took care of the rest.”
“I posted it to Instagram and someone mentioned the shirt shape looking like a bird of prey.”
With that, he added it to r/mildlyinteresting where “it blew up” and caused a similar reaction on other sub Reddits.
Another added: “At first… thought you were holding a huge bird of prey or something!”
See more of the T-shirt crow artwork on this Reddit thread.