Leadership: The power of self-awareness and team dynamics

Max Burnett (38091166)

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By General Sir Peter Wall, of Amicus

SELF-AWARENESS is a key aspect of our motivation and achievement at work. It also has a bearing on how we fit into a team, how well we collaborate and, ultimately, how others see us, which plays to our self-respect and to our emotional wellbeing.

Leaders’ time is always at a premium, but time we devote to helping our people become more self-aware and to the dynamics of our teams will always be well spent. Most of us don’t do enough of it.

Self-awareness is the bedrock of personal development. Encouraging employees to delve into their strengths, weaknesses, motivations and aspirations fosters a sense of purpose and fulfilment. People who understand themselves better are more likely to align their skills and interests with the organisation, resulting in heightened engagement and commitment.

Prioritising self-awareness creates an environment where employees feel valued and understood.

This, in turn, enhances job satisfaction and engagement and has a strong bearing on retention. Employees who perceive their roles as meaningful and aligned with their personal values are more inclined to stay loyal to their organisation, even in the face of tempting external opportunities.

Furthermore, self-aware employees are more likely to have the confidence to seek growth opportunities within the organisation and increase their value to you.

Team dynamics are another important dimension of self-awareness, but they are also vital in their own right.

Understanding the intricacies of team members’ strengths, communication styles and working preferences lays the foundation for synergy and productivity. When teams function cohesively, they are more agile, resourceful and resilient.

Investing in team-building activities, fostering open communication channels and providing opportunities for collaboration and feedback are crucial for building strong team dynamics. This drives a culture of trust and mutual respect, which enhances employee satisfaction and retention. The sense of belonging to a team is a key driver in peoples’ motivation and commitment.

At Amicus, we have deep expertise and experience of developing self-awareness of individuals and shaping the dynamics of teams from the top to the bottom of any organisation. For help and advice, go to amicuslimited.com.

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