Women to protest over confidentiality clauses used against mothers

Women will stage a protest on Tuesday against confidentiality clauses being used against mothers across the UK.

Campaign groups Pregnant Then Screwed and Can’t Buy My Silence claim the clauses, and non-disclosure agreements (NDAs), are being misused to “gag” women suffering discrimination, bullying or harassment at work.

NDAs are widely used to cover up the wrongdoings of people and companies to the detriment of victims, said the groups.

“They mask discrimination, harassment and criminal abuse from the public and even the employees’ friends and family.

“This immoral practice undermines laws meant to protect workers and creates a culture of secrecy where perpetrators face no consequences.”

Zelda Perkins, founder of Can’t Buy My Silence, said: “The use of NDAs to gag women about the discrimination or abuse that they have faced at work is not only unethical but a further abuse that lasts indefinitely as NDAs are forever.

“These agreements not only silence women when they are in a vulnerable position but can hide the settlement amount offered, which enables employers to pay them less than they are entitled to by law. This is not only immoral but in many cases illegal.”

The protest will be held outside the Royal Courts of Justice in London.

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