Jersey public asked to be ‘vigilant’ as Asian-hornet queens build nests

An example of one of the small nests built early on in the season. Picture: John de Carteret (37877183)

ISLANDERS are being asked to search for Asian-hornet queens – which could be building small nests in garages, gardens and sheds – as the spring trapping programme gets under way.

As of the start of this week, 32 queens had been recorded in Jersey, with 19 caught in traps monitored by members of the public and Jersey Asian Hornet Group volunteers.

A further six were caught by Islanders in their houses, while the remainder were classed as “plausible” sightings where the invasive species eluded capture.

The first embryo nest – roughly the size of a tennis ball and home to a single queen – has also been found.

JAHG volunteer John de Carteret said: “The numbers may seem high, but we have more members of the public involved and more volunteers.

“We are getting close to our aim of around 500 traps around the Island. We are more knowledgeable and more effective so we would expect to catch more.”

He added: “We are just asking the public to be vigilant, have a look in the obvious places – garden sheds, garages – and anywhere else really.

“They are not just out in the country, they could be in the middle of town.”

Islanders interested in taking part in the spring trapping scheme can contact Jersey’s Asian-hornet co-ordinator Alastair Christie by emailing or calling 441633.

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