Crowds gather for egg-rolling Easter tradition to celebrate new life

Crowds gathered in London to take part in an annual egg-rolling Easter tradition, which represents “new life” and the resurrection of Christ.

People attempted to roll a hard boiled egg down Fleet Street, London for the longest distance without it breaking.

Winners for the furthest roll are rewarded with a chocolate-related gift, according to St Bride’s Church which organises the tradition every year.

Egg rolling – London
The egg-rolling tradition is designed to celebrate new life and the resurrection of Christ, according to St Bride’s Church (Aaron Chown/PA)

Photos from the event shows members of the church with brightly decorated, hard-boiled eggs attempting to roll the egg down Fleet Street leaving a trail of broken shell remnants.

The image also shows the verger, a person who assists in organising religious services, leading a procession onto Fleet Street as members of the church attempt egg-rolling.

Egg rolling – London
A member of St Bride’s Church takes part in rolling boiled eggs on Fleet Street outside St Bride’s Church, in London (Aaron Chown/PA)

St Bride’s Church explains on its website that egg-rolling “symbolises both new life and the rolling of the stone from Christ’s tomb”.

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