Adult ADHD test waiting list closure is being considered


THE lives of people living with undiagnosed ADHD will be severely impacted if the waiting list for assessments is closed, according to members of a support group.

Following a surge in referrals, Andy Weir, director of mental health and adult social care, said that the closure of the list for adults, which has a backlog of over 700 patients, was under consideration.

“We have been having a conversation recently about should we close the waiting list, which is a step that has been taken in lots of other jurisdictions because waiting lists have just got to the point where there is no point putting more people on them, frankly,” he recently told a Scrutiny panel.

Rachel Tippet, the founder of non-profit advocacy group ADHD Jersey, warned that closing the waiting list could have a real impact on the lives of undiagnosed Islanders.

She explained that, when left untreated, the neurodevelopmental disorder can place significant strain on an individual’s mental health, professional life, personal relationships and self-worth.

ADHD Jersey’s secretary, Carly Williams, added: “The potential challenges include relationship breakdowns, loss of jobs, Children’s Services involvement where parents struggle, substance abuse and suicide.

“Those who can get private assessments likely will, but what about those who can’t afford it?”

An Islander who is on the waiting list and didn’t want to be named, said she was “horrified and saddened” by the potential closure, adding: “Stopping the waiting lists is like pulling a rug over this problem”.

She explained: “There are many people who are struggling with their mental health as a result of not being diagnosed, unable to carry out day-to-day activities, and unable to work.

“Many on this waiting list have already been overlooked for a majority of their lives, and now it looks like yet again they could be forgotten about or have to suffer in silence.

“Not being diagnosed or given answers to how you struggle with everything everyone else can do can have a huge impact on your self-esteem and self-worth. Diagnosis for many isn’t always for the medication: it’s understanding how your brain works and that you aren’t broken.”

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