Domestic violence expert to address International Women’s Day breakfast

Advocate Rachel Williams (37569243)

ONE of the UK’s leading advocates in the campaign against domestic violence is to speak at an International Women’s Day breakfast this week.

Rachel Williams, who was shot in 2011 by her estranged husband after she left him following 18 years of abuse, will be sharing her experience and insights at Freeda’s International Women’s Day breakfast, sponsored by Intertrust, on Friday at the Royal Yacht Hotel.

Attendees will also hear from Kate Wright, chair of Jersey’s Violence Against Women and Girls taskforce, and Dr Deryn Evans, a GP who will discuss the importance of forensic evidence in domestic abuse cases.

On 13 September 2019, Advocate Williams hosted the first ever survivor-led domestic abuse conference in South Wales: Stand Up to Domestic Abuse (#sutda), which brought together many survivors and professionals. (37569245)

Freeda (formerly Jersey Women’s Refuge) is also hosting a targeted session, “In conversation with Rachel Williams”, for those in the legal, healthcare, mental health, and social work sectors.

The domestic abuse charity’s chief executive Lisa Leventhal said: “International Women’s Day serves as a poignant reminder of the challenges women face globally. It is a day to amplify the voices of survivors, highlight the need for support systems, and foster a collective commitment to ending violence against women.

“Rachel and our other guests will provide a look into the reality faced by survivors, and why we must remain committed in our advocacy, working towards an Island free from domestic abuse.”

Following the end of her abuse, Ms Williams qualified as a domestic violence advocate.

She was at the forefront of pushing the Domestic Abuse Bill through UK Parliament and was instrumental in getting non-fatal strangulation on the Statute Book.

In 2019, she hosted the UK’s first survivor-led domestic abuse conference.

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