PICTURES: Disco days in St Martin

Disco fans take to the floor at the new-look Les Arches nightclub on 25 February 1982 Picture: GARY GRIMSHAW (37535278)

THERE was reason to celebrate at Les Arches on 25 February 1982 – it was reopening night after a £25,000 makeover at the St Martin venue.

The very latest in lighting systems had been installed as part of the makeover (37535257)

Hotel manager Renzo Martin told the JEP that the very latest lighting and sound systems had been installed and that the entire disco had been redecorated in pinks and purples.

The venue was busy for the occasion (37535249)

“It apparently met with the approval of the young people who were at Les Arches last night and who were themselves a riot of colour,” the JEP said of the more than 200 “disco fans” who had turned out. “Make-up was as bright as the bright lights overhead, and the style of dress was as varied as the music was loud.

Dressed up New Romantic style (37535247)

“There is no plan yet to use live bands, but DJ Rocco seems happy to play records until the early hours against a backdrop straight from the pages of science fiction.”

DJ Rocco (Bob Pallot) at the decks (37535253)

  • For great temps passé pictures and stories see this weekend’s JEP

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