PICTURES: Honeymoon island

Honeymoon couples form a heart for the camera on the beach at St Brelade in 1964 (37452341)

LOOKING back to the days when Jersey was the “honeymoon island”. In the 1950s and 60s hundreds of UK newlyweds would visit and special events would be laid on for them.

Honeymoon couples arrival in March 1964 (37462311)

Honeymoon couples were treated to a champagne reception and bunches of daffodils upon their arrival in March 1964.

Princess Alexandra and Angus Ogilvy visit in May 1963 (37452337)

Princess Alexandra and Angus Ogilvy made a brief visit to Jersey during their honeymoon in May 1963 en route to Gibraltar. A first cousin of Queen Elizabeth II, Princess Alexandra is still a working royal today at the age of 87.

Honeymoon Rally in March 1964 (37452416)

Couples race to their cars at the start of the Honeymoon Rally along the Esplanade in March 1964.

Honeymooners shown around the States Chambers in 1958 (37452386)

Who says romance is dead? Honeymooners are shown around the States Chambers in 1958. This party of 15 couples were the winners of the Jersey Honeymoon competition organised by the Daily Mirror in conjunction with the Jersey Hotel and Guest House Association and Paul Cave, London press officer of the Tourism Committee. They were received by the Bailiff himself, Sir Alexander Coutanche (furthest right).

Mr and Mrs L Smith of Hornchurch in April 1956 (37452413)

Newlyweds Mr and Mrs L Smith of Hornchurch with a four-tier wedding cake at Tams, St Brelade’s Bay, in April 1956. The couple, who had originally met in Jersey, had travelled there from the Merton Hotel with many other couples on “Honeymoon Special” coaches for afternoon tea.

St Ouen’s Bay in June 1967 (37462318)

Honeymoon couples take part in a three-legged race on the beach in St Ouen’s Bay in June 1967

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