Rise in mooring fees is deferred

Mooring fees were due to increase by 11.1% from the start of this year Picture: ROB CURRIE (37479066)

PORTS of Jersey is deferring an annual increase in mooring fees which came into effect at the start of the year.

In November, Ports announced a rise of 11.1%, which applied from 1 January 2024.

At the time, it cited “significant increases” in operating costs and said that its passenger volumes and finances were “still recovering” from the impact of the pandemic.

However, in an email to customers this week, Donford Nicholas, the organisation’s head of maritime delivery and business development, told customers that a three-month deferral to the previously announced increase had now been agreed.

The new tariff will instead apply from 1 April 2024.

Because the increase had already come into effect, the email explained that customers who paid for their berth or mooring by direct debit annually would have the credit refunded to their bank accounts “in due course”.

Those who pay on a quarterly or monthly basis will have the credit applied against their next Ports of Jersey invoice.

“A credit note for those customers who pay annually will be applied to your Ports of Jersey account no later than 12 February. If any annual mooring or berth customers wish to have their credits refunded to them, please contact enquiries@ports.je,” the email continued.

In a statement, Ports added that it had deferred the increase following discussions with boat-owners’ associations.

“This deferment has been agreed due to September’s unusually high RPI figure, and in consideration of last year’s deferment to March, which led to two price increases in nine months,” the statement continued.

“Ports of Jersey provides marina moorings for 2,800 vessels and invests any profits back into the business. Since incorporation in 2015, more than £12 million has been invested in harbour infrastructure.”

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