PICTURES: Disco skate at the Fort in 1978

Young people enjoying a skate Pictures: JERSEY EVENING POST PHOTOGRAPHIC COLLECTION/JERSEY ARCHIVE (37371510)

YOUNG Islanders were getting their skates on in January 1978 at Fort Regent’s popular Disco Skate evenings. For an entry price of 20p you could enjoy a spin around the Go-Skate rink next to the Piazza to the latest hits, as Jersey embraced the roller-disco craze

An advert for the Special Disco Skate event on 26 January 1978 in the previous day’s JEP (37371482)


Skating memories

Islanders have been sharing their recollections of skating at the Fort on the JEP’s Facebook page

DEBORAH ROSEN: ‘I remember the Fort being the first place I ever saw inline roller skates!’

MARISA RUSHIN: ‘I believe I was there, we just about lived at the rink in the late 70s. Fun times, great memories’

DAVE MARSH: ‘Great days late 80s – I was a steward picking kids up when they fell over’


Skating memories

Islanders have been sharing their recollections of skating at the Fort on the JEP’s Facebook page

TRACEY SURCOUF: ‘Loved the roller discos, great fun, glad I grew up then’

TRACEY ANNE WILLIAMS: ‘Skating on a Friday night was fab’

MARK ANTHONY BAKER: ‘Jersey at its best. Fantastic days with fantastic people. Friday night was mobbed at the Fort and we only had 70,000 people. Everything was busy, people were happy and barely any crime at all’


Skating memories

Islanders have been sharing their recollections of skating at the Fort on the JEP’s Facebook page

DIANE MARSHALL MARETT GOUYET: ‘Best times. So sad how the Fort has been allowed to rot away. Great memories’

ALISON CARROLL: ‘Loved it, up there every weekend, loved it so much’

TONY L VAR: ‘That’s when youngsters were allowed to have affordable fun’


Skating memories

Islanders have been sharing their recollections of skating at the Fort on the JEP’s Facebook page

LIAM NORRIS: ‘Friday and Saturday night the roller disco in the late 80s and early 90s when Jersey had things for kids to do. Great memories for lots of people, that’s for sure’

WAYNE PAGE: ‘I remember them in the 90s’

MICHELLE HAMILTON: ‘Yes, in the late 80s and early 90s! I pretty much lived in my roller skates – was up there all the time’

NICKY JANE ATKINS: ‘Bring it back, it was epic’


  • For great temps passé pictures and stories see this weekend’s JEP

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