Jail for men who urinated on unconscious friend and rubbed their buttocks in his face

TWO men who urinated on an unconscious man in a park and rubbed their buttocks against his face have been jailed for five months.

Laurie Ian Murphy (32) and 34-year-old Jake Langlois committed the offences in Parade Gardens at 12.30pm on 4 June this year, in full view of tourists and children.

Advocate Katie Ridley, prosecuting, told the Magistrate’s Court that witnesses had called the States police, with one saying: “The man appeared to be out for the count. It made me disgusted. I was shocked by what I saw.” When the police arrived, the defendants were unsteady on their feet and slurring their words, and smelt of alcohol, the court heard yesterday.

Langlois told the officers: “We were just being silly lads – that’s all it was.”

The pair were arrested for being drunk and disorderly and for indecent exposure.

However, mobile phone footage of the incident – including the urination – was handed to the police and Murphy and Langlois were then charged with committing a gross outrage of public decency.

The court heard that Murphy had committed 157 previous offences dating back to his teens. Langlois was subject to a binding-over order at the time of the incident.

Advocate James Bell, defending Murphy, said: “He is truly ashamed of his actions. He has offered and apology. He knows that it was wrong to behave in that way.”

He also stressed that his client had pleaded guilty at the earliest opportunity and had cut back on his drinking since the incident, and added that the man that the pair had urinated on was a friend of theirs and had not made any complaint.

“He has come to court to show that there are no hard feelings,” Advocate Bell said.

Advocate Nicholas Mière, defending Langlois, said there had been “an unfortunate atmosphere of pranking that day” and pointed out: “The victim is Mr Langlois’s best friend. We must dispel the shocking thought that he was a complete stranger.”

He added that Langlois’s partner was expecting their first child and said: “This brings his future conduct into sharp focus. He accepts the responsibility that has now fallen upon him.”

Advocate Mière suggested that his client could be given a probation order.

However, Relief Magistrate Peter Harris said: “There is some suggestion of a prank that got out of hand. It goes way beyond that.

“An immediate custodial sentence is applicable in this case.”

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