Drink-driver vows never to get behind the wheel again


A 64-YEAR-OLD drink-driver who was breath-tested at more than double the legal alcohol limit has vowed never to get behind the wheel again.

Paul Anthony Palmer was seen staggering and unsteady on his feet as he got behind the wheel of his grey Mini Cooper in the car park of the St Peter’s Coop on the morning of 24 September.

A member of the public who spotted him alerted the police and Palmer was arrested, according to St Lawrence Centenier Mike Haden, prosecuting.

A subsequent test at police headquarters showed he had 82 micrograms of alcohol in 100 millilitres of his breath – the legal maximum is 35 micrograms.

Advocate Rui Tremoceiro, defending, pointed out in mitigation that Palmer had no previous convictions and was deemed at low risk of reconviction, so a probation order was not necessary.

He said: “Mr Palmer is disappointed in himself for breaking the law. He is very remorseful, and apprehensive about these proceedings.”

He also added: “He knows he will be disqualified but he will not retake his test, as he is adamant that he will not be driving again.”

Assistant Magistrate Adam Clarke fined Palmer £5,000, and told him: “You are a danger to everybody if you drink and drive.”

Despite the accused’s promise not to drive again the Assistant Magistrate imposed a two-year driving ban and ordered him to retake the driving test if he did decide to resume driving.

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