Russia, US and Ukraine face talks at UN Security Council

The UN Security Council is scheduled to meet for the first time over Russia’s troop build-up and threatening actions against Ukraine, at the request of the United States.

All key players are expected to square off in public over the possibility of a Russian invasion and its global impact.

US ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield said Russia’s actions pose “a clear threat to international peace and security and the UN Charter”.

Ukraine US Russia
A US instructor trains Ukrainian soldier for the use of M141 Bunker Defeat Munition missiles at the Yavoriv military training ground, close to Lviv, western Ukraine (Ukrainian Defence Ministry Press Service via AP)

Russia’s deputy UN ambassador Dmitry Polyansky responded angrily, tweeting: “I can’t recall another occasion when a SC (Security Council) member proposed to discuss its own baseless allegations and assumptions as a threat to intl (international) order from someone else. Hopefully fellow UNSC members will not support this clear PR stunt shameful for the reputation of UN Security Council.”

Mr Polyansky’s reaction indicated that Russia may start the meeting asking for a procedural vote on whether it should go ahead.

To block the meeting, Russia would need support from nine of the 15 members.

A senior official in the Biden administration said the United States is in regular contact with council members and is “confident” that there is “more than sufficient support” to hold the meeting.

“It goes right to the heart of the role of the Security Council itself,” the official said.

“This preventive diplomacy is exactly what the council is supposed to be doing, and I think member states understand that.”

Russia’s massing of an estimated 100,000 troops near the border with Ukraine has brought increasingly strong warnings from the West that Moscow intends to invade.

Civilians given weapons training
Civilians receive military defence training, in Kyiv (AP)

Nato and the US said those demands are impossible.

Assuming the meeting goes ahead, the council will first hear a briefing by a senior UN official followed by statements from its 15 members including Russia, the United States and European members France, Ireland, the United Kingdom and Albania. Under council rules, Ukraine will also speak.

China’s UN ambassador Zhang Jun, whose country has close ties to Russia, indicated Beijing supports Moscow in opposing a council meeting.

“Both sides have shown willingness to continue their negotiations,” he told several reporters on Friday.

“Let them settle the differences through dialogue, through negotiations.”

Mr Zhang added that “Russia has said clearly they have no intention to have a war” and the Security Council should “help to deescalate the situation instead of adding fuel to the fire”.

The head of Russia’s Security Council, Nikolai Patrushev, rejected Western warnings about an invasion on Sunday.

“At this time, they’re saying that Russia threatens Ukraine — that’s completely ridiculous,” he was quoted as saying by state news agency Tass.

“We don’t want war and we don’t need it at all.”

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