DURRELL Wildlife Conservation Trust has launched its first project in Scotland, aiming to restore plants and animals to an 18,500-acre sporting estate in Perthshire as part of what the charity described as “a transformational moment in the Durrell story”.
The trust has secured the lease for Dalnacardoch Estate, which sits entirely within the Cairngorms National Park, halfway between Blair Atholl and Dalwhinnie.
The land was bought earlier this year by a family foundation with charitable aims, specifically with the intent to lease it to Durrell for this 100-year rewilding project.
Durrell’s intention is to have a managed transition away from Dalnacardoch’s historic use as a sporting estate, and move towards a diversified range of activities that will provide economic, social and environmental benefits. The team’s immediate focus is on engaging with neighbouring estates and potential partners.
It also hopes to boost numbers for declining species such as the capercaillie, a type of grouse, which is currently facing extinction in Scotland.
Ecological audits of the site, to establish the geography, species and habitats, are already taking place. These surveys will inform the long-term strategic vision for rewilding the estate in line with the interests of the wider community and the requirements of being in a national park.
Durrell’s chief executive, Dr Lesley Dickie, described the project as a “transformational moment in the Durrell story”, explaining that the UK was “one of the most nature-depleted countries on Earth, with a multitude of diminished species and missing ecological functions”.
“Leasing the Dalnacardoch estate offers an incredible opportunity to demonstrate our approach to conservation and transition this estate to a nature-positive landscape that will benefit both local people and wildlife,” she added.
Grant Moir, chief executive of the Cairngorms National Park Authority, said that the collaboration was “vital” in helping achieve the park’s National Park Partnership Plan commitments, “particularly around ecological restoration, net zero, woodland expansion, peatland restoration, and green skills and training”.
“It’s also encouraging that Durrell plans to work so closely with neighbouring landowners and with the local community, developing a lasting vision that reflects the unique environmental and cultural heritage of the area,” he explained.
Durrell’s chief scientist, Professor Carl Jones, added: “We look forward to restoring the plant and animal communities of Dalnacardoch, so that the glens and moors are vibrant with bird song and pulsing with life.”