Jersey landlords able to apply for low-carbon heating scheme


LANDLORDS can now apply for grants to help subsidise the cost of switching to non-fossil fuel heating.

Under the government’s low carbon heating scheme, home owner-occupiers were eligible for up to £5,000 of matched funding to encourage the shift away from coal, oil or gas heating.

Now the scheme has been extended to include landlord-owned properties if energy saving recommendations contained in the property’s energy performance certificate are implemented.

The initiative forms part of the Carbon Neutral Roadmap approved by the States in April last year which recognised the fact that heating is the second highest contributor to the Island’s greenhouse gas emissions behind transport.

Low-income Islanders – receiving income support, the cold weather bonus, pension plus or the health access scheme – can apply for up to £10,000 without the need to match fund.

More details about the scheme are available on

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