Thursday is new target to begin restoration of Jersey's gas supplies

Roseville Bistro in St Helier has closed due to the Island-wide gas outage that started on Saturday. Picture: ROB CURRIE. (36772406)

ISLAND Energy’s revised target for the re-instatement of Jersey’s gas network is now Thursday, the company has said.

The latest statement was released this morning following the announcement last night that they would not hit the original target of Tuesday.

The company is continuing to urge Islanders to switch off their gas supplies and fill in a form letting them know.

The statement began by apologising that Island Energy had been unable “to get your gas supply back to you today as we’d hoped”.

It continued: “Our target is for our plant to be up and running tomorrow and the staged re-instatement of gas to the network from Thursday. However, this is subject to a full review and agreement of our plans.”

Following a review meeting with key stakeholders, Island Energy will confirm and set out a proposed timeline for the re-instatement later today.

The statement added: “Up to date communications are on our website, across social media and through local press, radio and letters to all customers. Many thanks to all those customers who have completed the form online to let us know they have switched off their gas. If you’ve completed the form online, you do not need to call us to let us know.

“We have a duty of care to ensure that when we do switch supply back on it is done in a safe and controlled manner.”

Islanders can help to speed up the process by making sure all gas appliances are switched off, and turning off the gas supply to their home at the meter.

Detailed instructions and a video for this are on Island Energy’s website here.

The statement added: “It’s important you let us know that you have done this. If you’ve helped a neighbour or relative to turn off their supply also let us know. Please complete this form on our website (above link) or call us on 01534 755500.

“If you are aware of any neighbours who may need special help or who are away, please tell us so we can make any necessary arrangement. You can either complete the form on our website or call on the numbers above.”

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