Jersey's first-ever 'Natural Menopause Expo' event this weekend

Soroptimist International Jersey (SIJ) awarded Trudi Roscouet with the 2023 Inspirational Woman’s Award in March. Picture: JON GUEGAN. (36747105)

THE Island’s first ‘Natural Menopause Expo’ is taking place this weekend.

Over 23 exhibitors including Holland & Barrett, Sleep Jersey and Tropic Skincare, will set up stalls and workshops at the Radisson Blu hotel on Sunday from 10am to 5pm, and the convention is free to attend.

It is one of several events in the Island which intend to mark Menopause Awareness Month, including a dinner on 18 October (World Menopause Day), sponsored by Kleinwort Hambros and Accuro, with Olympic gold-medallist Sally Gunnell.

Window displays with local retailers Voisins and Holland & Barrett are also aimed at getting the message across that it is “OK to talk about menopause and to ask for help”.

Trudi Roscouet, who organised Sunday’s convention and recently won Inspirational Woman of the Year for her work to raise awareness of the menopause, said: “I had spent the first two years of perimenopause trying to find ways to help my symptoms, especially the weight gain and insomnia.

“I realised that lifestyle played an enormous part in managing some of the symptoms.”

Now, the convention is designed to introduce women to natural remedies and lifestyle solutions that can make the journey through more comfortable and empowering – without the need for Hormonal Replacement Therapy, which is not always available.

The event is sponsored by Medicann Jersey. Other exhibitors and sponsors include Nutrigums, which provide natural supplements aimed at women going through perimenopause.

Tickets for the dinner event and more information are available at:

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