Assisted-dying report delay due to 'depth of responses'


PUBLICATION of a report containing feedback from an assisted-dying consultation has been pushed back to the end of April.

A statement approved by Health Minister Karen Wilson said that the ‘quality and depth’ of the responses to the latest phase of public engagement meant that more time was needed before the report – which was due at the end of this month – could be published.

In spring 2022, following the States Assembly’s decision to allow assisted dying ‘in principle’, Islanders were asked to take part in an initial phase of public engagement that helped shape detailed proposals published in October.

The second phase saw the launch of a consultation that closed on 14 January, which included an online survey as well as formal events – prompting around 1,300 responses from people and organisations in the Island.

The government statement said the feedback received was ‘very considered and detailed’.

‘It was initially intended that the feedback report would be published at the end of February 2023. However, given the quality and depth of responses received, additional time is needed to ensure the feedback that Islanders have given is appropriately captured. The publication date will now be the end of April 2023,’ it continued.

‘As well as the feedback report, the Minister for Health and Social Services will publish a revised process for the development of assisted-dying legislation.

‘Having reflected on the feedback received to date, the minister wishes to ensure that more time is allowed to scrutinise and examine assisted-dying proposals.’

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