Deputy Inna Gardiner, who chairs the Public Accounts Committee, made the comments following a hearing with the Chief Minister on Friday, when Senator John Le Fondré was questioned over his role as chairman of the States Employment Board and the £500,000 severance payment to Charlie Parker, the Island’s previous top civil servant.
Interim chief executive Paul Martin has succeeded Mr Parker, who stood down following a backlash over his decision to accept a second role as non-executive director of UK real-estate trust New River.
Deputy Gardiner said: ‘Although new learnings have surfaced during the hearing, the public still do not have all the answers to important questions regarding how their money is spent. The public deserve accurate, timely, high-quality information.’
The Deputy added that she was ‘really concerned’ that Senator Le Fondré ‘has not taken full responsibility for the circumstances which led to a huge payout to the former chief executive and we are not reassured that similar mistakes won’t happen again’.
Deputy Gardiner said her panel would continue to hold the government to account.