Cycling campaigner: Jersey could take inspiration from Netherlands

Alistair Mitchell Picture: JON GUEGAN. (34966517)

JERSEY could take ‘inspiration’ from the Netherlands when it comes to promoting safe and sustainable travel, according to a member of the Cycle4Jersey advocacy group.

Alistair Mitchell made the comments after Shelley Bontje, a project manager at the Dutch Cycling Embassy – an organisation promoting sustainability and bicycle use – gave a presentation in the Island at the invitation of the Association of Jersey Architects.

Her talk focused on the differences and comparisons between the Netherlands and Jersey, concerning place-making, traffic and cycling.

One suggestion, which Mr Mitchell said was cited by Ms Bontje during her talk, was that the Island could prioritise the use of its roads for different traffic types including cars and bicycles.

He added that this could help decide where infrastructure changes – such as traffic-calming measures and slower speed limits – might be needed.

‘The inspiration that they [the Dutch Cycling Embassy] have brought over and the link they have offered – I feel that will be built on.

‘So it will be about running ideas past these people, asking what they think would be a good thing to do here and double-checking with someone who has already been through the system and done it all.

‘The key to it is that there is not one thing that we are going to do that is going to transform everything – it’s got to be a whole load of different things,’ he continued.

However, Mr Mitchell said he believed the Island was already making progress toward greater levels of sustainable travel, with more people choosing to walk and cycle as a result of the Covid pandemic.

‘I think lockdown made a huge difference – we all saw more people exploring the lanes around where they live and rediscovering the enjoyment of walking and cycling,’ he added.

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