Islanders invited to light candles for those affected by Pier Road tragedy

Sir Timothy Le Cocq Picture: DAVID FERGUSON. (34836953)

THE Town Church is to open this evening for people to light candles in honour of those affected by the Pier Road gas explosion.

Following news that at least one person has died and an estimated 12 more are missing, the Bailiff, Sir Timothy Le Cocq, said the church would be open from 5pm for people to hold in their thoughts the families and first responders caught up in the tragedy.

In a statement, he praised the community response, and said that every assistance would be given to those who needed it.

He added: ‘I, together with many Islanders, woke this morning to the shocking news of the explosion at Pier Road.

‘We know that there has been loss of life and people have been injured and displaced. We are awaiting further news.

‘My thoughts at this time are with all involved either those who have suffered loss or those working so hard since the early hours to help those affected but, in particular, with the families who are waiting for information on family members who are unaccounted for.

‘The Jersey community response has been quite superb and the help needed has been, and is being, provided.

‘Food and shelter and clothing is being made available promptly and effectively and, following discussion with Chief Minister and government officials, I would like to assure Islanders that, at this point, all that is needed is available.

‘I have spoken with the Dean of Jersey who has kindly offered to make the Town Church available and from this evening individuals may light candles for all who have been affected by this incident.

The Dean of Jersey, the Very Rev Mike Keirle …Picture: DAVID FERGUSON. (34836956)

‘I, along with others, will visit the Town Church this evening to take that opportunity and to hold in our thoughts the families and first responders who have taken part in or been affected by this incident.’

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