Fishermen urged to record bass to help gauge numbers

Fishermen urged to record bass to help gauge numbers

The International Council for the Exploration of the Sea implemented a complete ban in 2017, stopping recreational and commercial fishermen from landing bass in the north Atlantic.

Overfishing had seen the levels of the migratory species drop significantly and almost totally collapse.

Last year the ban was lifted in Jersey, with ten commercial boats awarded licences to fish for bass. Recreational fishermen were allowed to land one bass per day.

The government’s Fisheries and Marine Resources Department currently has data from the licensed commercial boats but needs assistance from recreational fishermen.

Fisheries officer Alex Plaster admitted there was still a concern about bass stocks around the Island but urged Islanders to help collate the extra data that would help paint a better picture of the current situation.

He said: ‘This will help to give us accurate data to see what level the stocks are at after the ban and the restrictions were put in place.

‘The ten licensed boats have provided us with data about the size of the bass and how they are caught.

‘Now we are appealing to the recreational fishermen to see how many there are, if they are fishing and catching every day.

‘It has been difficult to get this data in the past. There is still a concern and we can’t say if the species has fully recovered since the ban.’

Recreational fishermen who are interested in helping with the data can obtain packs from Howard Davis Farm, Mr Fish fishing tackle store, JFS Sport or St Ouen’s Motor Works.

They can then detail the amount and size of their catch and return the forms to Howard Davis Farm or send them to the department through their Facebook page at States of Jersey Fisheries & Marine Resources.

Mr Plaster said that if the stocks had recovered then it could be possible in the future to remove the restrictions.

He added: ‘There will be a review of the data probably at the end of the year.

‘Removing the ban could be something that is looked at in the future if there has been a rebound in the stocks and they seem to be in a much better place.’

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