Injured holidaymaker thanks Islanders for their kindness

Injured holidaymaker thanks Islanders for their kindness

Jan Brownless contacted the JEP to thank everyone she encountered on her trip who helped her after she came off her bike near Grève d’Azette, breaking her ankle in three places.

Ms Brownless, who is from Stockton-on-Tees in the north-east of England, said that she was so impressed with all the Islanders ‘who stepped up when the chips were down’ to help her in her time of need and that she and her partner are already planning their trip back.

‘We decided to hire bikes and cycle on the road, which we would never do in England as we wouldn’t feel safe but we noticed how courteous all of the drivers were and thought we would give it a go.

‘We had been out to Corbière and were cycling back towards Green Island on the main road when the front wheel of my bike clipped the pavement and before I knew it I ended up underneath my bike.

The holidaymaker said that before she noticed she had broken her ankle, a painter and decorator had already jumped out of his van to come and help her.


‘I didn’t catch his name but I wanted to thank him for everything he did to help me, he got a jacket and put it over me and another couple rang an ambulance and stayed with me the entire time until they arrived.

‘And as we were waiting for the ambulance to come, the police arrived and even took our hire bikes back to where we rented them from. Everyone was just so kind and helpful – we were blown away.’

Once the ambulance arrived Ms Brownless was taken to hospital for surgery, where she had a metal plate and nine pins put in place.

The couple, who had been visiting the son of Ms Brownless’s partner, said they wanted to let everyone who helped her know that she was on the mend and that they cannot wait to come back.

‘Everyone from the police, the hospital staff to the people who stayed with me, I want them all to know the surgery went well and we will be back soon.’

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