A group of eight ‘red rebels’, which is a movement started by an Extinction Rebellion protester, performed the routine in the Royal Square as Members walked into the States Chamber for this week’s sitting.
As part of the proposed Carbon Neutral Strategy due to be debated during this week’s sitting, States Members will also be asked to vote for the creation of a
new Citizens’ Assembly – a group of around 50 randomly selected Islanders who will help craft the long-term plan.
The Jersey branch of XR met around a dozen politicians recently to ask them to lobby for the findings and recommendation of the Citizens’ Assembly to become legally binding.
They have also called for the remit of the strategy to be widened, to target aviation emissions and for the finance sector to be involved.
Member Eckart Webber, who previously called for moves to be made to stop the finance sector investing in fossil fuel companies, said: ‘The red rebels art attracted attention and quite a few States Members stopped on the way into the Chamber.
‘We had asked them to make the [Citizen’s] Assembly legally binding, but they said they couldn’t.’