Jersey students celebrate A-Level results

Students celebrate Picture: Jersey College for Girls

Jersey students celebrated their A-level grades on Thursday, having sat exams for the first time since the coronavirus outbreak.

Jersey College for Girls Principal, Carl Howarth Said:

“This is a remarkable generation of students, the first to sit their A levels without having had the benefit and experience of sitting their GCSEs. We are incredibly proud of our students and staff that despite the disruptive adversity of the pandemic, their fortitude, diligence and ambition, combined with exceptional teaching and care of our staff, has made for a truly brilliant set of results. To set the results in context, they are the highest ever set of results by students who have sat examinations with more than 57% achieving A* or A grades and 86%achieving A* – B grades. More than the terrific results, it is the character of our young people that inspires us most. We will miss them, though know they go onto even greater things as they seek to make our world better. Parents: Thank you for entrusting us with your daughters education and for being our partner, surrounding her with belief, encouragement and possibly a little patience at times. I know you too will delight in her achievement today and the person she has become”.

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Highlands College Principal Jo Terry-Marchant with students that recieved their Level 3 results today
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