Two men have broken the land speed records for a motorised wheelie bin and a wheelchair.
Jason Liversidge reached 66.826mph in his wheelchair, while Andy Jennings managed to go 43mph in his wheelie bin.
The records were broken at the Straightliners land speed record event at Elvington Airfield in North Yorkshire.
However, after a number of technical issues arose, that attempt was abandoned and a new wheelchair was designed and built from scratch.
Mr Liversidge said: “It’s a fair beast, a new crew built it from scratch, with many from the speed family involved, hence it works. The target speed was 55mph but I reckoned it could do much more.”
Mr Jennings, 28, is a design engineer from Essex who said his fiancee “thinks I’m nuts but is supportive” for attempting to travel in the world’s fastest wheelie bin.
He wanted to challenge the record in memory of a school friend who was injured at work five years ago, spent two years in a coma and died during lockdown.
He said: “The reason for doing it is to raise awareness that anything can happen to you. Ben simply broke his leg while at work and that changed his life.
“One life, live it!”