Jersey set for a heatwave – with temperatures possibly hitting 30°C


JERSEY is set for another blast of hot and sunny weather – with temperatures possibly hitting 30°C.

Just weeks after the Island recorded its warmest ever June day, when the mercury peaked at 33.2°C, large parts of the British Isles and western Europe will see a heatwave lasting throughout next week.

Temperatures are expected to hit 25°C this weekend and rise to 29°C by Tuesday, with the possibility of increasing further later in the week.

The hot and sunny weather follows the joint-fifth-warmest June on record, with average temperatures more than 1°C above the monthly norm.

According to Jersey Met figures, each of the first six months of the year have had above-average temperatures.

Bryan de Gruchy, duty forecaster at Jersey Met, said: ‘We are looking at a period of dry and settled weather lasting throughout next week and we are confident with the temperatures up until Tuesday. There is a bit of uncertainty after that but the temperatures still look like being warmer than average and we could reach 30°C at some point at the end of the week.’

Islanders taking a refreshing dip will also find that the water is warmer than normal, with a current sea temperature of 17.4°C – well above the long-term average for early July of 16°C.

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