New sports group aims to get Jersey active again

New sports group aims to get Jersey active again

Senator Steve Pallett, who has ministerial responsibility for sport, says the Sport Consultancy Group includes representatives from the government’s sport facilities team, the Commonwealth Games Association, the Island Games Association and the Jersey Sports Council.

He added that the body would partly work to encourage Islanders to continue activities which they picked up during the lockdown, such as cycling, running and swimming.

‘All forms of exercise which put people in close contact have been severely restricted but, as a result, there has been a noticeable increase in walking, running, cycling and sea swimming during lockdown,’ Senator Pallett, said.

‘The Sport Consultancy Group will support Islanders back into their chosen sport or physical activity in a safe way, and encourage those people who have started something new during lockdown to continue to exercise as we move through the
levels of Jersey’s Safe Exit Framework.’

Mr Pallett added that one of the group’s additional roles would be to help clubs adhere to new health and safety rules, introduced as a result of the pandemic.

‘I thank Jersey Sport and Public Health policy officers for preparing the detailed guidance that clubs and associations will need to safely restart their sports, and I believe it is important the Sports Consultancy Group have the opportunity to influence future direction,’ he said.

Advice for clubs and associations planning to restart their operations is available at

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